GRC Spotlight: Bemeriki Bisimwa
Location: Jinga, Uganda, East African Bioregion
What does regeneration mean in your work? Bemeriki works within Rwandan refugee communities in Uganda. As a Rwandan refugee himself, he founded the Rwamanja Rural Foundation running permaculture training courses to help communities become self-sufficient. In his words, the guiding question of his work is "What ways can we make for families to bounce back after shock."
What does regeneration mean to you? For Bemeriki, regeneration begins with permaculture. It begins with going back to "the way people used to farm, the way people used to see"—restore indigenous ways of living. The cornerstone of this repair is food: "The food I grow is the medicine most people need."
What's been on your mind recently? Bemirki has been moved by question of "what next?" He reflects that "our sorrow does not make summer" and that much is to be done. This inspired his work around food sovereignty—creating regenerative food gardens for households where produce is consumed and sold, and even the waste produces mushrooms for sale and subsistence.
What's next? Bemiriki has been moved by question of "what next?" He reflects that "our sorrow does not make summer" and that much is to be done. This inspired his work around food sovereignty—creating regenerative food gardens for households where produce is consumed and sold, and even the waste produces mushrooms for sale and subsistence. You can support his work by checking out Rwamanja's website and youtube channel
Jean Marc La Flamme invites you to join the re:build Global gathering, happening online from 14-16 April, to connect with regenerative village builders and community members around the world.
Michaela Emch invites you to join the Complexity Adventures Summit on April 28-30: attend interactive sessions, network with other Complexity Adventurers and maybe even start a team or a project
Bobby Fishkin and CrowdDoing are doing a session on Working backwards from a solar punk future. Join on April 4, at 1:00 - 3:00 PM Pacific / 4:00 - 6:00 PM Eastern time.
Session highlight: Regenerative Education
This is your invitation to join a discussion on systematically changing education and developing ecological literacy to address the multifaceted and interconnected crises facing our world today. The group meets weekly on Tuesdays and is facilitated by Dan Baltramo and Cassandra Goodman
Their inaugural conversations have explored international education
systems to understand what education looks like around the world. This week in particular they explored how autism and other neurodivergent behaviors are seen in Native American education systems.
This week with the CoLab
GRC: Serious Games
Mar 27, 2023 8-9:15am PST / 11am EST / 12:00 BrTZ / 1500 UTC / 1700 CET / 1900 EAT / your time zone
We meet to discuss and test-play all kinds of Serious Games - that is, games that are played for purposes other than mere entertainment, such as learning, collaboration, or awareness-raising. Topic: Sharing collections of Serious Games online We will look at and evaluate several websites that share collections of Serious Games. What are their features, how is their usability, and what is the purpose and intended audience of each collection? We will start with the sites below, and participants are welcome to contribute any other sites they know to our discussion. Hosted by Ulrike Zeshan
GRC: Regen Economics - A discussion for evolving new understandings
Mar 28, 2023 8-9am PST / 11am EST / 12:00 BrTZ / 1500 UTC / 1700 CET / 1900 EAT / your time zone
This is a place to discuss and share innovative ideas as we shift our economic paradigm towards regeneration. Join the diverse GRC community in discussion, as we explore our evolving understandings of the paradigm shift we are all experiencing.
Our species needs to evolve and learn how to be in the ‘right relationship’ with nature and this planet we call home. Our conversations will be journey-focused, collecting ideas and evolving our viewpoints as we move towards collective solution. Hosted by Pam Campbell & Tanuja Prasad.
GRC: Regen Ag Community Chat
Mar 28, 2023 9am-10am PST / noon EST / 13:00 BrTZ / 1600 UTC / 1800 CET / 2000 EAT / your time zone
This is a time for people working on or interested in Regenerative Agriculture & related topics to get together, meet, compare notes, and maybe colab. Join us!
Hosted by Erik van Lennep.
GRC: Regenerative Insights Circle
Mar 29, 2023 0730 UTC / 0930 CET / 1130 EAT / 1300 IST / 1830 AEDT / 2030 NZDT your time zone
Welcoming participation from all over the world. Please join us Wednesday.
What do we do? We talk and work with each other in an international group of collaborators and friends. Sometimes a project is presented and often our group members end up working together on projects, foreseen and serendipitous. Co-working and parallel play are always available. Whatever the mode, please bring a friend if you like. Hosted by Andrew Crosby and friends.
GRC: Regen & Governance
Mar 29, 2023 8-9am PST / 11am EST / 12:00 BrTZ / 1500 UTC / 1700 CET / 1900 EAT your time zone
This series is for discussion and co-learning of what it means to govern regeneratively and how regeneration can inform governance.
This weekly session will be a co-created exploration of what regenerative governance means and how we, as regenerators, can apply it. Coordinated by David Witzel.
GRC: Regen Ed - a place to begin the discussion on transforming and regenerating learning
Mar 29, 2023 5:30-6:30pm PST / 8:30pm EST / 21:30 BrTZ /
Mar 30, 2023 11:30am AEDT / 1:30pm NZDT / your time zone
This is your invitation to join a discussion on systematically changing education and developing ecological literacy to address the multifaceted and interconnected crises facing our world today.
We hope you will join us on this journey to discover ways in which our educational systems can be reformed, transformed, and regenerated. Hosted by Dan Beltramo and Cassandra Goodmansen.
GRC: Regenerative Insights Circle
Mar 30, 2023 9am-10am PST / noon EST / 1300 BrTZ / 1600 UTC / 1800 CET / your time zone
Welcoming participation from all over the world. Please join us. Co-working available as well.
No scheduled guest appearances this week, but co-working, whole working, or parallel play available. We are free-wheeling or co-working. Whatever the mode, please bring a friend if you like. See you there. Hosted by Andrew Crosby and friends.
Consensual Tech Talk
Mar 30, 2023 12pm-1pm PST / 3pm EST / 1600 BrTZ / 1900 UTC / 2100 CET / your time zone
Introducing Consensual Tech Talks: Do an inventory of what we’re currently using for remote collaboration. Look at some alternatives. Hands-on helping each other onboard with new tools.
These calls are hosted by Day Waterbury and are a gathering place for people from aligned communities.